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Pest Control: A Few Tips


Pest control is the management or complete elimination of pests from a specific part of the ecosystem. Pests are any species of insects that have a harmful effect on human beings, crops, animals and other vegetative matter that forms the ecosystem. Some pests may be helpful to human beings since they consume other pests that are more harmful. However, a large number of pests will definitely lead to destruction hence the need for pest control.


There are many methods by DeadPestz that are used in pest control. The method employed depends on different factors. One of the factors is the type of pests to be controlled. This is vital since it helps in determining what pesticide or other control mechanism shall be used. The other factor is the part of ecosystem being affected or damaged by the pest. Such knowledge will help in selecting a method of pest control that will not cause more harm to the part that is affected by the pest. Different parts of the world have different methods of pest control depending on prevailing environmental conditions.


The most common method of pest control is the use of pesticides. This method is predominantly used in controlling weeds and other pests in large farmlands. Pesticides are usually sprayed on crops using tracks or by hand as is convenient. The second method of pest control is the biological method. This entails controlling reproduction of species of pests hence eliminating them before they reach adulthood and start causing harm. For instance, mosquitoes can be controlled by putting a bacterium called israelensis in stagnant water. These bacteria usually feed on mosquito larvae hence destroying future generations of pests.  Read to gain more info about pest control.


Physical pest control can also be applied in instances where the pests do not occupy large areas. Case in point is where a smallholder farmer uproots weeds in his farm manually or by using small farm implements like hoes. Small rodents like rats and mice that may destroy crops can also be trapped using simple traps set up in farms. Efficiency of this method is highest when dealing with small areas that are enclosed. Some farmers use pest-destroying animals to check the increase of pests in their farms. This might sound as ancient method but it still works in the modern world. Case in point is the use of cats to catch rats and mice that destroy stored grains.


There are other methods that may not be conventional though they have a degree of success when employed. For example, after harvesting crops a farmer may opt to burn remains on the land to kill any pests that remained on the land. This method of DeadPestz can be used to control rodents and other insects that harm cereals. Use of poisons to kill rodents has also been used for a long time and is still used in the modern world. Poison is specifically good when dealing with pests that conceal themselves from man and are therefore not easy to see.

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